Virtual Doula Support
virtual doula support
As a birth and postpartum doula I am trained to work alongside you, your partner, family and healthcare providers. The experience of birthing during the time of COVID-19 has amplified the need for comprehensive support through the perinatal period. And technology has enabled us to stay connected in the most creative ways.
If you’re a New Mexico Resident please contact me for information and rates related to in-person support ❤️
“Leigh’s super power is being present for you and giving the knowledge and perspective you need through each stage of pregnancy and birth. It was so reassuring and comforting to have her on our team as our virtual doula. It did not matter that she wasn’t physically with us in the delivery room because she had prepared us for birth...”
The flexibility required of us all in 2020 has opened the possibilities of care and support and I am thrilled to assist families near and far.
What does remote support look like?
While you are pregnant - I can help you find the evidence-based resources you need, and share information with you you from a neutral point-of-view. Our communication can ease any anxieties you have and help you find confidence in your ability to labor and birth.
When you are in labor - I am there to help to find a comfortable position, implement breathing, relaxation and coping skills and help you decide when it’s time to leave for your birthing facility. In addition to hands-on body work guidance for your partner, I help facilitate communication with medical care-providers. Continuous emotional support for the entire family with the goal of a satisfying birth experience is my goal.
In the immediate postpartum - First and foremost, I am an advocate for postpartum physical and emotional recovery. In addition to processing the birth and optimizing healing, I help the entire family adjust to life with a new baby and feel more confident in their abilities. If needed, I provide lactation support and am a comforting chaperone as you get to know your new family member, helping the entire family adjust to the new normal of the 4th trimester.
Comprehensive Virtual Doula Support : $900*
Free 30-minute Video Consultation
Unlimited text/email availability for non-clinical questions from point of hire.
2 Virtual Prenatal meetings (2 hrs each) to discuss late pregnancy expectations, your personal birth preferences and coping strategies, planning for the postpartum, and any other questions you have and your partner may have.
On-Call virtual support (Facetime, Zoom, calls, text, etc) during the labor and delivery.
Unlimited virtual postpartum support for the 1st two weeks postpartum (Daily check ins or as needed).
*Please inquire about my sliding scale option if you are experiencing financial hardship.
A La Carte Virtual Doula Support (hours can be utilized prenatally and/or postpartum)
Choose how often you would like to reach out. You can schedule as little as 30 minutes up to 6 hours (1 hour max per call). This is perfect for families who are looking for more minimal support, or have specific topics to discuss (e.g. drafting a birth plan, practicing comfort measures, preparing for the postpartum, newborn care, postpartum healing…)
1 - 60 minute call $75.00
3 - 60 minute calls $225.00
6 - 60 minute calls $425.00
Doula DO
Practical support and emotional reassurance - during pregnancy, during childbirth and the immediate postpartum period.
A comforting presence - continuously during labor, physically and emotionally.
Consult before hospital and caregiver appointments - help you find positive ways to have your questions answered and build a positive rapport with your health care providers.
Advocate - your wishes on your behalf during pregnancy, birth and immediate postnatal period.
Referrals - help you find caregivers in your area who are the best in their field for the support you need.
Information - supplementing your medical care with evidence-based research materials to ensure your decision making is well-informed.
Breastfeeding - give you tips and tricks that will help ease the discomfort of early breastfeeding. Refer you to lactation consultants when problems are outside my scope.
Doula DON'T
Advise or make decisions for you - ultimately we provide the information for you to make informed decisions yourself.
Get in the way of partners, family or friends - I’m a friendly helping hand who happens to be super-knowledgeable about childbirth.
Clinical tasks - I do not check for dilation or perform any kind of clinical or medical checks. That's for your midwife, OB or hospital nursing staff.
Push my own agenda or opinions - it's purely factual information I’ll share. And I hold no judgement for decisions you make (epidural, circumcision, etc).